Inspired by one of the most improbably true stories ever, this the entertaining tale of two aging con-men at the dawn of the Great Depression, and the biggest oil strike in the history of the world.
Irving Tanner, Jr. (Lou Gossett, Jr.) recounts the 1930 legend. Times are hard, when the unluckiest wildcatter in the world, Dad Everett (John Ratzenberger) teams up with Doc Boyd (Kevin Sorbo), a charming snake oil salesman. Together they convince several new widows (Sam Sorbo, Paula Boudreau, and others) to invest in their worthless oil wells.
Then, the unthinkable happens! Now our two Casanovas are faced with a challenge: declare another dry hole for a clean escape, or bring the well in like genuine oil men, and likely spend the rest of their lives in jail?
Meanwhile, some of their investors are angry, and fixing to do something about it. And one of them is truly a mountain of a man. (Tyler Mane)
What happens next? Doc preaches, the Good Lord teaches, and a judge reaches a surprising conclusion. The mostly true story will make you laugh, shed a tear, and give you pride in the God-Blessed American way.